1/5 final score of religious final exam

1/5 final score of religious final exam

(Allah loves those who repent and those who purify themselves)
Translation: God loves those who repent a lot and loves the pure.
God’s message loves the repentant and the pure.
The tricks of the devil first lures man towards sin with the promise of “sin and then repent” and after the contamination of man, he despairs of God’s mercy and says: “The water that passed from the head, whether it is one obligation or a hundred obligations. A person should know that if he really repents and is sorry, God will surely accept his repentance.
La makes a person lazy. “Tsawif” means to do today and tomorrow.
The sinner constantly postpones his repentance, until the desire to repent is extinguished in him.
And this devil’s trick is mostly used to mislead the youth. He tells him that you are still young and have a chance to repent, you can repent in the future. While this is a trap
And it causes a habit of sin, it draws a person step by step and slowly towards sin so that the person does not realize the ugliness of sin and its ugliness and does not repent.
Additional stages of repentance
– Non-repetition of sins)
If the penitent has truly regretted and repented, although he may be interested in that sin, he will try to avoid it in practice.
Not only is it not acceptable to express remorse and say the word Istgifar while committing a sin,
Rather, it makes forgiveness meaningless.
Imam Reza: “Al-Mustaghfir, I am guilty of sins, and I am guilty of insults.”
A person who asks for forgiveness for a sin and commits it at the same time is like a person who
He mocked his Lord
2- Compensation of divine rights and people’s rights
There are two categories of lost rights
A. The rights related to God, the most important of which is the right to obey and serve Him. The penitent must
Try to make up for your shortcomings in front of God. (For example, qadha of prayer or fasting, etc.)
And if God sees that the repentant person has tried his best and has not been able to forgive all sins
compensates, pardons the rest of the cases.
With people’s rights that are material or spiritual
The penitent should try to make up for the injustice he has done to the people to the best of his ability and satisfaction
He obtains the rightful owners and if he does not have access to them, he gives charity on their behalf
Pray for good and ask for forgiveness
And intellectual rights are much more important than material rights and one should compensate with all his heart
it pays (For example, dishonoring a person’s reputation, disrespecting a child’s parents, etc.)
Social repentance 4
If society deviates from the path of monotheism and obedience to God in some dimensions, it needs to return
To the path of monotheism and reform means it requires social repentance.
And social deviations should be corrected in the initial stages so that they do not spread
and do not last
Examples: usury, taking bribes, neglecting chastity and chastity, oppressing and being oppressed,
Obedience to other than God.
And the most important way of reform is to perform the duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil
– If this duty is neglected, social sins become stronger and stronger
They penetrate all levels of society.

– If the deviation from the right takes root, its correction becomes difficult and requires great efforts
Basic and basic activities are found where great people are needed
Offer their lives and property.
How long do we have to repent?
The whole life is a time of repentance, but the best time is youth because
The period of youth is the period of flexibility, evolution and transformation (unlike old age, which is the period of decline).
It is flexibility and stabilization of traits), so it is easier to repent when you are young.