Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy on you and bless you all

Peace be upon you and may God’s mercy and blessings be upon you all

The example of those who spend their money in the way of God is like a seed that sprouts seven thorns in every thorn, and God loses it ُِ لَمِن يَشَاُ وَالَّهـهُ وَاسٌٌ عليمٌ

Those who spend their wealth in the way of God are like a seed that sprouts happiness; That there should be one hundred seeds in each cluster; And God makes it equal to two or more for everyone who wants (and has dignity); And God (in terms of power and mercy) is vast, and all-knowing

Elders, we are saddened to learn that a boy of eighth grade has lost one of his kidneys and is currently losing another kidney.
Father, mother and father are living life
The unfortunate financial condition of
These boys should have their kidneys transplanted and their kidneys cleaned
In this difficult situation, the shadow of parents is not on top of my head.
This son of Mahabad village Yusufkand

This post is written by RH676