Prolactin test
Prolactin test is performed to determine the level of prolactin in the blood; This test is performed in those who are suspected of having high prolactin. It means milk coming out of the breast (galactorrhea), delay in period and visual disturbances. Also, this test is requested for the diagnosis of infertility and impotence in men, the diagnosis of infertility in women, and the diagnosis of prolactin-producing tumor (prolactinoma).
Effects of increased prolactin in women
Ovulation disorders
Interruption or irregularity of menstrual periods
Milk secretion from the breasts when they are not pregnant or breastfeeding
Effects of increased prolactin in men
Sexual dysfunctions
Reduction of body hair and muscle mass
Delayed puberty and emergence of secondary sexual characteristics
Of course, a person with a large prolactinoma tumor may experience headaches and visual disturbances. This is because the optic nerve is located near the pituitary gland and may be damaged by large tumors.
Types of hyperprolactinemia (prolactin increase)
Hyperprolactinemia due to prolactinoma
Prolactinoma is a tumor inside the pituitary gland that causes an increase in prolactin. The first step in the treatment of this tumor is to prescribe drugs that reduce prolactin production and shrink the tumor. The most commonly used drugs are cabergoline (Dastinex) and bromocriptine.
Hyperprolactinemia caused by drugs
If your doctor thinks that a medication you are taking is causing your prolactin to rise, he or she may tell you to stop taking the medication for at least three days. ).
Hyperprolactinemia due to hypothyroidism
When hypothyroidism causes hyperprolactinemia, a person should be treated with thyroid hormones. Usually, this treatment should continue until the end of life.
Idiopathic (causeless) hyperprolactinemia
Sometimes doctors cannot find a cause for hyperprolactinemia. In this case, the diagnosis of idiopathic hyperprolactinemia is raised. In some patients with idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, prolactin levels return to normal over time. If this does not happen within a few months, symptomatic patients will be treated with cabergoline or bromocriptine drugs.
An increase in prolactin also occurs in the following cases
During pregnancy and after delivery – the presence of prolactinoma in the pituitary gland – hypothalamic diseases – hypothyroidism – polycystic ovary syndrome and . Of course, stress, illness, nipple stimulation and sexual stimulation, trauma (injuries such as accidents) and even fear of blood tests may cause a slight increase in prolactin.
Hormonal tests that are usually requested along with prolactin:
FSH, LH, Testosterone, DHEAS, Estrogen, Progesterone
Prolactin test conditions
1. The best time to take samples for testing is in the morning and at least 2 hours after waking up.
2. It is recommended to avoid walking, sports and any type of physical activity before sampling.
3. At least during the last 12 hours, sexual contact or intimacy and breast stimulation have not been done.
4. If you do not meet the above conditions, postpone the test to another day.
5. In the night before the test, wear loose and comfortable clothes and avoid wearing tight clothes, especially in the area of the chest and breasts.
Normal blood prolactin values (in ng/ml)
In men over 19 years old: 2 to 24
In women over 19 years old: 4 to 30
Pregnant women: 20 to 400
If the unit is mIU/l: values between 30-600 are normal.
Comprehensive channel of laboratory sciences and biology
This post is written by Leyla_njfzadeh