Announcing the results of the twelfth grade final exams

Announcing the results of the twelfth grade final exams

To view the results of the final exams, proceed as follows:
1- Enter the main page of the window system of the Education Electronic Services Unit at the address
2- Log in to the system using the national code and password in the student login section.
3- Click on the final exam results.
4- Read and confirm the important notices regarding the time of protest and its conditions.
5- You can save or print your report card by clicking on print report card.

If you are sure about protesting your score, read the following notes carefully before registering the protest.

1. The request for reconsideration is possible only once for each lesson.

2. The deadline for registering the protest is up to 04/25/1403.

3⃣ The result of rechecking the answer sheets may be without change in the score or increase the score or decrease the score.

4. To register a review request, click on Register Request.

5⃣ The number of pages of the answer sheet that you received in the exam session, according to the lesson, is specified in the “number of pages of the answer sheet” column. If you see a discrepancy, select the “number of answer sheet pages” option when registering the protest.

6 ⃣ If you object to your absence status, select the presence status option at the time of registering the protest.