Electrosurgery device specifications

Device specifications:
The price is 25,000,000 Tomans
Surgery in sterile conditions and minimal bleeding
It can be used in biopsy, gingivectomy, phrenectomy, removal of all kinds of moles and warts, increasing the height of the tooth crown.
Power consumption 220-240 v AC and 50-60 HZ
Vibration frequency 1.7 ~ 1.6 MHz
100 watt monopolar and bipolar cutting power equipped with three modes CUT, COAG, BLEND
Pedal with durable cable
Steel plate (cylinder) with silicon cable
Pliers and bipolar cable (separate order)
Flat plate (adhesive or permanent) with cable (order separately)
7 first grade electrodes and electrical cables
18 months warranty and 10 years after sales service. Phone: 09127200086 and 021-87716

This post is written by mohammadpishghadam