Simile: Simulating two things or two people

It is likening two things or two people to each other that have something in common. Each simile has four bases, which are: simile, simile, simile, and adat of simile.
Similar: Something or someone that we intend to imitate.
Likeness: Something or someone that resembles it.
Similarities: They are words and devices that are used to make a simile or show a link of similarity, such as: because, like, like, like, like, like, like, think, say, said, etc.
Similar aspect: It is the common feature or features between similar and similar that the pseudo aspect is more obvious and more specific in “similar”.
In a simile, you can remove “likeness” and “simile”, if “similar” and “similar” are the sides of the simile and are present in all similes. To understand a simile, one must go to “simile” which is the most important basis of simile and simile is deduced from it.
A simile in which “adat tashibeh” and “simile” are removed is called “baligh” simile, which includes two types: 1- documents, which are given to “simile” as “similar” documents. Like: Science is light. 2- Addition, which is called simile addition, and one side of the simile is added to the other. Such as: the tree of friendship, flood of grief, lamp of wisdom and so on. . . .
   The flowery days of life hastened to go, butler, hurry to the rosy wind.
  Similar to similar           
   If he hears the name of Afrasiab, it will become an iron mountain and a sea of ​​water
                                     Similar to
  I am so masterful before and after sarcasm that the gods of sarcasm are masters
By comparing himself to the feeding elves, the poet has expressed himself in an extreme way of being blamed and taunted by the detractors.  
Dana is silent and artistic like Attar’s drum.
    Goya’s nightingales are preachers. They are preaching on the trees 
    Similar to                  
         Your blade laughs like a flower. My eyes rain like clouds
       The eyes of those who are greedy for the blessings of the world should not be filled, as a well is filled to its brim, and wealth should not be placed on the soles of the free, like patience in the heart of a lover, like water in a sieve.
  You can see the sunshine of the world, the light of the world, the darkness of the night has become blurred
   Get rid of the existence of men, so that you can find the chemistry of love and become gold.
    Time has passed between our youth days, in this flood, the sadness of a bunch of flowers remained “Shabiyeh Beligh”
     There was no escape from you, so that I took the burden of my heart’s sorrow from the hand of glory and lamented on my shoulder.
    Drop tears like you untie the knot of a rosary on your head.
         What do I get from Akhtar Danesh?                                   that I am dark and he is the bright part of the “eloquent simile”

This post is written by mhmdmhdyhydry24