Choline chloride or trimethyl 2 hydroxyethyl ammonium chloride is an essential nutrient for the optimal growth of animals, especially poultry, pigs and pets.

Choline chloride or trimethyl 2-hydroxyethylammonium chloride is an essential nutrient for the optimal growth of animals, especially poultry, pigs and pets.
Choline is classified as a vitamin and belongs to the group of B vitamins, but it does not have a coenzyme role.

Choline is also called vitamin B4. But choline acts more like an amino acid or an essential fatty acid. It is not classified as a nutrient based on its biological activity, although its classification is not nearly as important as understanding its biological action. Choline is related to the metabolism and synthesis of glycine, betaine, cysteine, serine, methionine and many biological compounds that contain the methyl factor.

The metabolic actions of choline are:

1- It is an important part of phosphatidylcholine and phosphocholine and constitutes about 70-80% of the total phospholipids in the body.

2- It is essential in the construction, regulation and maintenance of the complete and porous membrane of the cell.

3- It has a vital role in the transportation and metabolism of fats.

4- It is an essential part in the formation of acetylcholine, which is the agent of transmission of nerve messages in the sympathetic nervous system and causes brain development.

5- Choline is a source of free methyl groups, which is essential for many biological actions, including the formation of methionine.

Choline is found in many foods and its amount is standardized and reported by the National Research Council (NRC). But there are differences in the availability and amount of choline in food, which is due to differences in plant growth conditions such as climate, variety, soil, location, fertilizer and other agricultural activities.

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