Attractive sex methods

Attractive sex methods

honey method

When your husband enters the penis, apply honey to the penis and apply some inside the vagina. It is very good and enjoyable because it causes adhesion and the penis will penetrate you, and it is healing and great for female infections

Wear good underwear:
All men enjoy the touch of satin, silk, lace and leather on their skin. Choose beautiful and comfortable clothes, avoid wearing complicated clothes.

You should find something in which you are comfortable and your husband’s hands can reach your body from anywhere

Sometimes, take off your clothes with your own rhythmic movements, if your husband comes in front of you, be gentle and gentle.

You can see that it’s being punished, men can’t control themselves at this time anymore, the sparkle in their eyes and their expressions show that they’re getting impatient, so keep going, don’t let them go, go ahead and do the work.

Run away from him or follow our own game, but calmly when he grabs your hand, tilt your head and throw your hair this way and that and say in a cute and drawn voice, I’ll let you go, what are you doing with me, don’t tell my mom, now my dad understands, laugh loudly.

Play water
People have been having fun with water for years. This is also the case for husbands and wives.

Pampering each other in the bathtub or in the shower can be immensely enjoyable.
The drops of water and turquoise baby oil that I told you to use before, especially after sex in the bathroom, give the skin a wonderful feeling, and at this time you should not pay attention to your husband at all and only think about your lust and love until he comes, but if he doesn’t come, this is a sign of fatigue. And your success can be before the bath

Buy a blindfold:
Loss of sight enhances other senses. So closing your husband’s eyes and putting him on his head is wonderful in this way.
Take her hand and let her touch your sensitive spots.

You don’t open his eyes until you say his name, men enjoy telling sensitive points

See what kind of sex your husband likes, like kissing and eating pins.

Of course, be aware that anything except anal is acceptable

(delayed sex) during periods and places where you can’t and you don’t want to and you want your husband to follow you all the time.

This method is such that you only bring your husband to orgasm through flirting and pinning, and do not perform intercourse.

until your wife ejaculates. Ladies are not only dependent on intercourse for pleasure, and they can also reach orgasm by flirting, oral, and touching and sucking the clitoris.

Only women who were satisfied with vagina have the right to use this method more than 1 or 2 times a month and bring your wife to orgasm and ejaculation with oral sex and flirting.
Intercourse is not allowed.
with your behavior
That is, when he wants to do penetration, you kiss him again, shake his body, pull him back and eat him again, when he sees that he is going crazy again, eat his pin until he ejaculates.

Then you realize that it will come tomorrow night too.

For example, when he wants to eat your breasts, he moves his head forward and opens his mouth.

He wants to eat your lips as well.

Then he firmly kisses and clings to your face, deep and hard, and eats.

It will make you crazy. The secret is that when you are forbidden from something, you want it more.

shadow method
Pins = men’s genitals
Intercourse = penetration
Oral = oral sex
Anal = anal sex
Vagina = female sexual organ

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