In the prayer on the 16th day of the holy month of Ramadan, it is said: “O God, let me get along well with people.” Not every person remembers God and not even every world remembers God. They asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.) whether it is healthy to look at the world of worship. And Imam replied that it does not have totality. Gazing is a form of universal worship that reminds you of God. »
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful
“Allah made me in it for the agreement of the righteous, and forbade in it the companionship of the wicked, and I brought in it the Most Merciful to God, or the God of the Worlds. »
“O God, give me good fortune in this month to associate with good people and good people in it, and give me peace in it by your mercy and divinity, O God of the worlds. »
According to Esna, Ayatollah Mujtahidi Tehrani says in the Sharh “Allahum wafiqni fihe limmuafaqatah al-abrar” says: O God, make me agree with people well. For example, if there is a vote in a place. If a person is good, I agree with him, and if he is bad, I do not vote for him, and in the elections of the Republic and Majlis, I vote well for the person. Let’s look at who is a good person and serve God and vote for him, not for those who have given us a low position.
He further refers to the next verse of the prayer and says: “Wajnibni fih murafaqatah al-ashrar.” Do not associate with a young man – even if he is a young man. If it is “mercy”, send greetings and greetings; But friendship is broken. You should not cut off “mercy” but choose a religious friend.
This divine scholar continues by referring to a hadith: The disciples said to Hazrat Masih (A.S.), who should we associate with, and Hazrat Masih said: With 3 people, the first person who looks at you will be remembered by God. Secondly, someone who speaks will increase your knowledge. Third, someone whose actions increase your desire for the Hereafter.
He continued: Not everyone remembers God and not even every world remembers God. They asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.) whether it is healthy to look at the world of worship. And the Imam replied that it does not have totality. Gazing is a form of universal worship that reminds you of God.
Ayatollah Mujtahdi Tehrani explains: We have a hadith that you should not sit in front of any world unless he invites you to do a few things; From doubt to belief, from hypocrisy to sincerity, from attraction to the world to asceticism in the world.
He emphasizes: Sit and dismiss someone who has knowledge and teach you something in discussions, and meet and discuss with someone who has knowledge and teach you something in discussions, and meeting and discussing with someone who is illiterate is useless. . Talk and associate with someone who has knowledge, even if he does not have a turban.
This teacher of ethics continues: I recommend friendship with someone who is worshipful and responsive. One who is an ahlul of night prayer, visitation, dua and prayer is recommended.
Ayatollah Mujtahdi Tehrani further states in his commentary “Wa awini fieh-i-brahmatik-ali-dar-i-qarar-i-bilhiyatik”: O God, by your mercy, place me in heaven, by your God, we ask God to place me in paradise by the truth of God himself.
This post is written by Mohamadalishariat