In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

In the name of Allah, the Merciful

Allah sent it down with truth and sent it down, Allah has great love for him and made him a light for sight and healing for my eyes and gold for my sorrow and grief It is the language of the tongue, the sentence of the face, the strength of the body, and the weight of the balance, and the recitation of it is beneficial in obedience to God. Al-Nahar, and Ahshurni with the Prophet Muhammad and his family.

Oh God, you have sent down the Qur’an in truth and it has been revealed correctly. Oh God, make me love the Qur’an and give it light and heal my heart and overcome my grief and sorrow. And make the countenance of the Ummah good because of it, and make my body strong by following it, and make the scale of my knowledge heavy by following it, and read the Qur’an day and night with the success of obedience, and make me with the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and his family. Ash Mahshur Gardan.

In the name of Allah, the Merciful
The twenty-eighth period of the Holy Qur’an has ended, waiting for Maulana Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.).

By the intention of Imam Zaman (AS)
(Arawahana Latrab Muqad al-Fidah)
The holy presence of 14 innocents (peace be upon them)
Martyrs and martyrs of Karbala, especially Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (peace be upon him).
Martyrs Cemetery Baqi
Hazrat Abdul Azim Hosni (AS)
Hazrat Khadija (S)
Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S)
Hazrat Umm Al-Banin (S)
Hazrat Zainab Al-Kubri (PBUH)
Hazrat Fatima Bint Asad (S)
Hazrat Fatima Masooma (S)
Dedicated to the spirit of Imam Khomeini (RA) and martyrs of Islam and Iran
Peace be upon Imam Khamenei

Dear Editor, Mr
Ardastani nobleman
Good luck and happiness to the youth and the healing of the terminally ill and the deceased to all the elderly.
Narrative need

Respected members
Group of pilgrims Qom and Jamkaran
God willing

Starting from Saturday 19 June to Friday 25 June

Recite the beautiful verses of the Qur’an                        
 Kalam Naghz and Ruh Afzai Quran

Recite at dawn with sincerity              
    Then worry about the meaning of the Qur’an

Bukhwan An Mijiza and Anga Bendesh                 
   This is just the testimony of the Qur’an

Healing what is pain and suffering                 
   By the Qur’an

The guide is blessed                     
    Obey the Fatwa of the Qur’an

He is against the people of rebellion and hypocrites                      
The harm of the Qur’an

Bili, archeology of Kabirai                               
Qur’an appears everywhere

Nganjad Fahm Asrarish Bah Afkar                     
   It was an endless river of the Qur’an

Bakhwan Ta Mi Tawani Knowledge and Commentary
Wali Kushish-like execution of the Qur’an

May God have mercy on you              
 Shaund Joyndah and Wise Qur’an

Part 1. Honorable * Dalaram Tawakkal *
Part 2. Honorable
Part 3. Bazarwarpur Mohsin
Part 4. Honorable Warabul Fazl and Waksar
Part 5. Honorable
Part 6. Honorable
Part 7. Honorable
Part 8. Honorable
Part 9. Senior Zahra.h
Part 10. Seniors
Part 11. Seniority
Part 12. Seniority
Part 13. Seniors
Part 14. Seniors
Part 15. Seniors
Part 16. Seniors
Part 17. Seniors
Part 18. Seniors
Part 19. Seniors
Part 20. Elderly bita
Part 21. Seniors
Part 22. Seniors
Part 23. Seniors
Part 24. Seniors
Part 25. Honorable
Part 26. Venerable Fatemeh
Part 27. Honorable E Mahmoodi
Part 28. Seniors
Part 29. Honorable
Part 30. Honorable in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful


And from God
Honorable pilgrims

This post is written by Hasanardestani313