Southern animal feed

Southern animal feed
in the name of god
Dated 5/17/98

Fodder corn (silage):
Pack of 30 kilos of Dezful 500 granules
Pack of 750 kilos with Dezful 520 granules
Fermented bulk corn fodder 450
Green field corn fodder

Animal feed based on sugarcane (Dezful):
(bagasse + molasses) 630 bulk cartridges
(bagasse + molasses) cartridge bag 740
60 bulk bagasse

Livestock concentrate:
40 kg bag, loading from Khuzestan
Average milk pellet production
Heavy livestock feed pellet 1680
Special heavy animal fattening pellet
1610 heavy animal breeding mesh
Sheep pellets 1600
Special sheep pellet
1550 sheep mesh

Don ready broiler, Dezful
No antibiotics
Super Starter 3000
Starter 2940
Pre-Dan 2830
Mian Dan 2730
So Don 2610

Brazilian corn Dezful immediate load
Corn of Ukraine Dezful Urgent Load

Jo German Imam


Wheat bran available

Khuzestan alfalfa

Minimum loading of 10 tons
Immediate deposit and loading items, port cargo subject to truck attraction, mandatory national card photo submission, no need for warehouse ID, except for port cargo.
We do not issue invoices or pre-invoices.
How to contact us

This post is written by IRIKDEZ