A note for Nowruz 2017

A note for Nowruz 2017
Thirty characteristics of a responsible citizen

Dr. Mahmoud Saree Al-Qalam

1- He considers his future subject to his efforts and creativity;
2- He does everything with expert consultations;
3- It demands responsibility from those who have chosen to manage the country against the power and authority they have;
4- Based on the theory of systems and a long-term view of life, he is honest;
5- It does not hinder the growth of others: it competes with them;
6- He reads at least one hour a day;
7- He distances himself from a person who lies a lot;
8- In doing things, he uses his intellectual power, many times his intelligence;
9- For legal reasons, he is extremely careful with his words;
10- If he is not sure of a judgment, he does not raise it;
11- He does not wait for others to open the knots of his life: rather, he manages his life with initiative and hard work;
12- He considers it his duty to respect the rights of the people in the society;
13- He stands at least one meter away from the person who is using the bank ATM;
14- When it is supposed to be at 8 o’clock, he is standing at the door at 7:50.
15- He will not stay in power for more than 8 years because 8 years is enough for maximum innovation;
16- He stands behind a red light even at three in the middle of the night without a camera;
17- travels a lot to learn and experience intellectual and behavioral maturity;
18- When he reaches the main street from a side street, he stops his car and moves after complete safety;
19- He searches so much to separate Fact from Propaganda;
20- He carries his backpack in his hand on the bus and subway so as not to disturb others;
21- He does not attribute titles to others: rather, he analyzes their motives and thoughts;
22- He distances himself from the person who has become rich with rent;
23- He designs his life like the Olympic logo in five intersecting circles: personal growth, attention to family, career, increasing the level of specialized knowledge and civil service;
24- has only one job and performs its duties in the best way;
25- He says a lot: I don’t know or I don’t understand this matter correctly;
26- He spends so much patience to understand a subject accurately and then reacts;
27- He has a small notebook on the first page of which is written: My weaknesses and methods of correction;
28- His mental leaven is formed like this: 20% commenting and 80% asking questions;
29- He does not send contradictory signals to gain the trust of others;
30- Because self-knowledge is the prelude to civil development, he has so much self-knowledge that he can write 50 pages about his thoughts and feelings.

This post is written by AminNajafgholizadeh