Seasonal transactions Question 1: When is the deadline for preparing and sending the list of seasonal transactions for natural and legal entities

Seasonal deals

Question 1: When is the deadline for preparing and sending the list of seasonal transactions for natural and legal entities?

Answer: The deadline for preparing and sending the list of recurring seasonal transactions in Article 169 for natural and legal persons is 45 days after the end of each quarter of the solar year.

Question 2: Failure to prepare and send the list of seasonal transactions in Article 169 repeatedly includes what crimes?

Answer: Failure to prepare and send the list of quarterly transactions in Article 169 is subject to a fine of 1% of the total amount of transactions in the list.

Question 3: How many methods can be used to prepare and send the list of frequent seasonal transactions of Article 169?

Answer: There are two ways to prepare and send seasonal transactions:

A- Offline TTMS software that you enter the financial information of buying and selling offline and at the end, if you have a username and password, send the list.

B- Through the internet system, you can prepare and send your list online, and you must have a username and password to enter the profile.

Question 4: How to get the user name and password related to preparing and sending online the list of frequent seasonal transactions of Article 169?

Answer: After registering the second stage of the economic code through the tax administration system and getting the tracking code, after a short period of time a letter containing the username and password will be sent to your postal address.

Question 5: In the TTMS offline software and online system, is the information we enter in the contract payment section sufficient, or should we also enter it in the sales section?

Answer: The sales part and the contracts part have the same ruling for contracting companies, so filling the payment part of the contract is enough.

Question 6: What is the national ID and where can it be obtained and to which natural and legal persons is it assigned?

Answer: With the aim of eliminating the abuse of paper companies and in order to find solutions to deal with corruption and abuses in companies, the regulation on assigning national ID to all Iranian legal entities was announced by the Board of Ministers based on the proposal of the Vice President of Planning and Supervision. The presidential strategy approved the regulations for assigning national ID to all Iranian legal entities, according to which, all legal entities are required to complete the national ID application form along with the necessary documents provided by the registering organization according to the schedule announced by the registering organizations. It is announced to present to the mentioned organizations. You can get a national ID through the system of obtaining a national ID of legal entities, this national ID has been assigned to all ministries, institutions, organizations, government companies and private companies.

Important question 7: If the list prepared and sent has iodine defects, can it be corrected?

Answer: Yes – if we repeatedly notice errors and defects in the information after sending the quarterly transaction information of Article 169, in order to fix it, a list of the relevant amendments must be submitted along with the details and a receipt at the end of the process of sending the list through the online system. Or deliver the personal presentation to the tax department to the General Department of Tax Affairs so that they can correct the information according to the regulations.

Question 8: For organizations, institutions or companies whose financial year starts in the middle of the season (for example: universities that start the new academic year on August 31), how should the information related to seasonal transactions of Article 169 be recorded in the system?

Answer: In this system, two lists must be prepared, the first list is from the beginning of the season to the end of the financial year of that company, and the second list is from the beginning of the financial year of that company to the end of the season (it is worth mentioning that the season means the seasons of the solar year in question is)



This post is written by sfhjhygfrhesabhaseb