Why managers should use the management dashboard system

Why managers should use the management dashboard system?

One of the topics that is raised in the field of management is the busyness of managers; Also, many managers spend a lot of time outside their workplace. This causes their lack of uniform management on all levels and departments of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to have refined information about the performance of the subcategories that does not take much time to review and at the same time shows a complete, comprehensive and updated report of the performance of different departments of the organization, company or institution. The diversity and abundance of information has caused many managers of large organizations to not have accurate information about the events that have taken place in their organization. Time and physical limitations have caused this information to be provided to managers in an imprecise and general form.

By using the management dashboard system, instead of wasting time on reading the content of complex and sometimes incomprehensible reports and extracting the required information from them, the managers of the organization devote their time to making correct and clearer decisions and benefit from their competitive advantage, which is the quick response. They use it according to conditions and changes. In this way, managers are able to find the root causes of incidents accurately and quickly and ensure the effectiveness of the decisions and solutions made.

Many managers use the dashboard to track non-financial metrics that contribute to the efficiency of their system; Scales such as the number of people present in the company, the degree of customer satisfaction and the rate of employee absenteeism. These scales will definitely have a direct effect on the financial measurement criteria such as the comparison of the projected budget with the actual cost, sales efficiency and business profitability. To ensure the alignment of daily organizational decisions with strategies at all levels of the organization, managers must be able to see issues from different heights and with different accuracy. The management dashboard system provides the administrator with the ability to display traceable information; That is, first the indicators are displayed macro. After observing the unfavorable situation in each of the indicators, the manager may look for the cause for further analysis. Each index has several levels of sub-indexes (or indicators) from which the main index is calculated. By observing the hierarchy of the sub-indices of an index, it is possible to understand which of the sub-indices is the cause of the unfavorableness of an index. In other words, the user is given the possibility to check the desired index at a more detailed level in the organization.

Today, more than ever, smart managers use digital dashboards to see the status of performance indicators and other figures in their company.

This post is written by Shafiei_masterset