A- Valid document

A- Valid document

An official or normal document that can be issued without a court ruling to execute the document’s meaning, such as a demand document and a check.

B- Document of liability

A document indicating the obligation of the debtor to pay cash or payment in kind or an obligation to perform a specific action, which is used in registration terms in the sense of documents related to transactions with the right of return.

C – Guarantee document

It is a document that implies a mortgage contract or a transaction with the right of restitution or sale, whereby a person (whether he is a debtor or not) pledges his movable or immovable property to perform an act, whether that act is repudiation or Another action.

C – Execution order

That is, the order to execute an official document (or in the case of an official document such as a check), which is issued by the competent authority of registration or the notary public who arranges the document, depending on the case.

H- Executive transfer document

After the auction, the auctioned property is transferred to the auction winner or creditor by means of an official document, that document is called an executive transfer document.

Kh- Arrest

Seizing the property to enforce the provisions of the document.

D. Hafez

The person who is entrusted with the seized property by the enforcement agencies to preserve and maintain it.

Z- Minutes of the meeting

It is a document in which an official records an action during the implementation of the provisions of the document.

Official expert

A person who is a technical expert can comment on issues related to his technology as an expert and has a license for this from the competent authority.

Z – Expert

The owner of the technique who has an opinion in terms of his skill in the subjects related to his technique.

Q – Surplus

In terms of registration, surplus is the price of a property that exceeds the amount of the creditor’s claim, and since it is not known that the property seized or pledged by the first creditor will have a surplus after the auction to pay his claim, it is also called a possible surplus.

S. Third party objection

It is a personal complaint against the executive operation that is not from the parties of the executive case.

S. Symptoms of mortgage

It means that the mortgagor skips his bail. Because the mortgage contract is permissible on the part of the mortgagor, and he can unilaterally terminate it and cancel his right of collateral. Therefore, the debt with his collateral is converted into an unsecured debt, and his mortgage document becomes a liability document, and the regulations for the execution of liability documents are applied to it.

Z-Fak Rahn

Freeing the debtor from the bond of mortgage, either through giving credit or through creditor’s creditor.

I- Termination of the document

That is, registering the liquidation of the official document of the transaction in the office that registered that document, according to the formalities prescribed in the law of registration of documents and real estate.

The auction

It is a special form of property sale that starts from the value of the property and is given to the bidder with the highest price.

A – executive deputy

The proxy that performs the registration within the limits of the laws and regulations to carry out executive affairs to the registration office of another place where the debtor’s residence or property is located.

G- Supervisory board

There is a committee composed of the director general of the provincial registry or his deputy and two judges of the provincial court of appeals, chosen by the head of the judiciary, which deals with all disputes and mistakes related to registration matters in the province’s judiciary.

F- The Supreme Council of Registration

The highest authority for administrative proceedings in registration matters to appeal the decisions of the supervisory board, which consists of two branches of real estate and documents.

This post is written by M666k