Review of the day number 6

##6 day review
Organization of Resent Education of the country!!!
It is enough that your job falls to the country’s education assessment organization, it is impossible to get out without stress and worry, as long as you are dealing with this organization, you should prepare yourself for a severe stress, a stress that is not your right at all!!
From the time of registration and the announcement of the initial results of the exam and the choice of field until now, when it is time to receive the entrance card for the second stage exam, the lack of planning of the country’s education assessment organization has become so apparent that its name should really be changed to the country’s volunteer resentment organization. gave
You must remember how much disorganization we witnessed during the registration for the exam (whether national, master’s or doctoral), the registration started with the publication of a booklet, the booklet was called a guide, but it was full of ambiguity. This booklet had turned the registration method into a big mystery for the volunteers as if the evaluation organization had designed a puzzle and requested us to answer this puzzle!!!
The same story continued for choosing the major, a report card full of ambiguity and questions, especially with the announcement of the effect of the 5% quota, which was a disaster!!
But now that we have reached the time of the second stage exam, a new story has begun. In previous years, the time to register for the second stage exam was a few weeks before the exam itself, but this year, the second stage registration also began at the same time as choosing the field of study. You can say!! The site had major problems for 6 days in a row, some registered and some did not!! The site did not accept the credit card code of the second stage or the place to enter the code was not clear until after many calls and follow-ups by myself and others, the site problem was solved!!
Now we see that some of the people who prepared and entered this code at that stage are not able to receive the entrance card to the meeting, and also the people who did not know that they should register for this test, all of them should and should go to the problem solving counter located in the city. Visit Tehran!
The noteworthy point here is that Sansem site did not publish the smallest notice and news about this and it was the new city planning that understood this problem and announced it quickly.
Currently, the candidate does not know what documents to bring with him to solve the problem!! When is this repair shop open and when is it closed? A volunteer who comes to Tehran from the city may arrive late, may not have the financial ability to stay in Tehran for one night, may leave at night and take an exam in the morning and return to his city at noon!! How can these people solve their problem?? All the problems were solved just by introducing the troubleshooting desk and that’s it??
Question? Why did the credit card purchase portal never have problems? Why is the site always working fast and accurately for depositing money, but for the tasks that the site is responsible for, the site is slow and full of problems??
The whole task of the National Volunteers Organization is to conduct various tests, it is interesting that this organization has years of successful and unsuccessful experience in conducting tests, but every year it performs worse than the previous year.
Who should we tell our pain and where should we take it?

Happy New Year
Thursday, July 21, 2017
#10th publication
Dedicated to new urban development
The most specialized urban planning center in the country

This post is written by Miladnovin69