Reasons for the collapse of married life

Reasons for the collapse of married life:

Read some of these wrong ways below so that by avoiding them, you will not be one of those whose life is going to collapse:

1- They stubbornly and always consider themselves to be right, even when they don’t have enough evidence.

2- They never apologize, even when it is proved to themselves that they have made a mistake

3- They recount the mistakes of their life partner without turning a blind eye and cruelly, even in the presence of others.

4- They fanatically claim that they know the motives of their life partner better than they do.

5- They are of the opinion that their partner should always understand their needs and be aware of their wishes and thoughts and fulfill these needs and wishes immediately without needing to express or request them.

6- They ignore the priorities of their life partner and insist on their own priorities.

7- They assume that the sexual needs of themselves and their spouses are completely similar and the same, and they do not change in any way or think that their spouse’s needs may be different from theirs.

8- In front of any resentment, they immediately express their anger.

9- They are constantly identifying their spouse’s personality flaws and weaknesses and family secrets in order to use these flaws and weaknesses to win arguments; Especially when they engage in a logical conversation.

10- They use the torment of conscience and the feeling of being guilty to play with their spouse to achieve their goals or to punish their spouse.

11- They see and express their spouse’s faults and weaknesses, but they do not mention his virtues and virtues.

12- In no way do they come short of their positions and drag out their arguments so much that their wives avoid staying at home.

13- They never let go of the issues of the past and they constantly and repeatedly retell and recreate them.

14- They make promises and do not keep their promises.

15- Hypocrisy and pretense are one of their personality traits.

16- They constantly make excuses for their bad habits and give many excuses for not giving up these habits.

17- They emphasize the importance of something that they themselves intend to say, but they consider the content and words of their spouse unimportant, and on this basis, they keep interrupting him to say their own words.

18- They always pretend to understand their spouse’s words completely, even if they did not understand anything of what he said.

19- They always behave as if they have never committed the mentioned mistakes and it is their spouse and life partner who makes mistakes and should change.

This post is written by Sara_b_h