Infectious agents: diseases caused by protozoa, including Trichomonas S

Infectious agents:

Diseases caused by unicorns include Trichomonas S.P. and Balantidium S.P.

Clostridial infections in ostriches may be caused by stress and lead to widespread and ultra-acute mortality in young chicks, and in laying ostriches paralysis caused by poisoning with toxins of these bacteria is observed. become.

Supra-acute enterotoxemia by Clostridium sordilium, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile and Clostridium colinum has been seen in ostrich chicks aged 10-9 days with losses ranging between 95-5%.

Acute hemorrhagic enteritis caused by clostridia is usually observed in ostriches aged 6-1 months. The disease spreads very rapidly and sudden deaths are accompanied by diarrhea and no other clinical symptoms.

Cases of necrotizing enteritis are mostly seen in ostriches over 6 months of age. The disease is seasonal in many specimens and is seen in early winter and is rarely seen in breeding flocks. The disease is very acute and causes severe losses in these birds.

Clostridial toxins sometimes cause local or general paralysis of the legs, wings and neck, which is caused by toxins from Clostridium shuai and botulinum and possibly causes nerve damage in birds.

This post is written by Hhhhhhnnnnnnmmmmmmp