– Mohammad bin Zakariya Razi,
Non-religious theism
These days, due to the importance and position of alcohol in health and medical affairs,
Seriously and sometimes jokingly
From the Iranian scientist who discovered alcohol.
Zakaria Razi is mentioned.
Razi is a thinker whose scientific and medical services have been paid a lot;
His al-Hawi book in the field of pharmaceuticals is very famous
And the discovery of alcohol and sulfuric acid is one of his most important discoveries.
But what has been paid less attention throughout history, especially in the last few decades, and may have been passed over with silence.
It is a secret look at religions.
Razi is a “rationalist”, “empiricist” and “humanist” thinker
And these three are all the characteristics of scientists of the new age;
Features that make Razi beyond its time.
From Razi’s point of view, intellect is enough to know oneself, God and the world and plan to achieve happiness
And therefore, he does not believe in miracles, revelations, prophecy and basically religion.
According to Razi, religions are the bed of superstitions and legends
And throughout history, they have been to the detriment of mankind
And they have not brought any result except hatred, war and bloodshed.
His two books named
“Makhariq al-Anbia” and “Naqad al-Adayan” have rejected and criticized religions.
Since Razi did not believe in revelation, prophecy and religion
He had many critics and enemies among theologians, jurists and hadith scholars, enemies such as Ghazali, Ibn Juzi, Abu Hatem Razi and Naser Khosrow. They accused him of disbelief and atheism.
The rejection of Razi’s thoughts continued until the later periods, namely the era of Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi.
Unfortunately, many of Razi’s intellectual and philosophical works are a mystery, including those that criticize religions
They have been deliberately destroyed and nothing but quotations remain among the works of critics.
Basically, it is from these quotes that we know this category of Razi’s works.
Zakaria Razi, like other Iranian thinkers,
Orientalists and Western researchers have introduced us.
Austrian Orientalist and Islamologist Paul Kraus has studied the intellectual and philosophical dimensions of Razi more than others.
According to what was said,
Razi can be considered one of the founders of the theism school of thought (non-religious belief in God).
And the fact that some people insist on identifying him as a Muslim is contrary to historical evidence and as much as the Shia
Introducing Einstein is ridiculous.
– Dervish is happy
Sources for further study:
• “Zakaria Razi” article in Islamic world encyclopedia
• The book “The Philosopher of Ray” by Dr. Mehdi Mohaghegh
• The book “Hakim Razi” by Parviz Azkaei
• The book “History of Intellectual Sciences in Islamic Civilization” by Dr. Zabihullah Safa
• The book “The Secret of the Great Iranian Genius” by Mahmoud Najmabadi
This post is written by heidari1422