Preliminary results of a rapid social survey about Corona

Preliminary results of a rapid social survey about Corona

Mohammad Fazli – member of the Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University

This morning, April 6, 99, I published a very simple fifteen-question questionnaire online through my channel (Iran Concern: @fazeli_mohammad) and asked the audience to take a few minutes and answer the questions.

The number of respondents reached 275 people by 16:00 today. This number is not enough for a scientific and methodical review, but I present the results of the preliminary analysis of this data. This questionnaire was filled by those who went on a trip during Nowruz.

one Only 34.7 percent said they must have gone on a trip. 65.3% have been able to avoid traveling in any way (easy or difficult).

two. 75% of travelers consider the recommendations of experts about the necessity of not traveling during the corona outbreak to be very true, 19.8% to be somewhat true and 5.2% to be false.

three 35.8% have traveled to visit relatives and friends, 23% for work reasons, 17.5% to avoid the corona virus, 11.3% because Nowruz is a time for travel and fun, 7.8% for no particular reason, and 4.7% to participate in a ceremony. .

four 93.7 percent believe that the virus is dangerous for them.

five 74.3 percent said that they would not travel if the country’s authorities imposed travel restrictions or bans.

six 45.3% stayed in their own apartment or villa, 44.2% in the house of friends and acquaintances, 4.5% pitched a tent, 3.7% rented an apartment or villa.

Seven. 57.1% have been screened and fever measured at Ministry of Health stations during the trip.

eight The feeling of these people about traveling on their own during Corona is as follows: 50.8% believe that there was no other way, they should have gone; 21.7% say that I should not have gone, I went and I am sad; And 24.6 percent believe that they did a good job and went on a trip. 2.5 percent say they wish they didn’t travel.

no The origin of 38.2% of those who filled the questionnaire was Tehran province. After that, Isfahan and Mazandaran are with 5.1 and 2.5 percent.

ten. The destination of 10.2% of trips was Isfahan, 8% Tehran, 6.2% Fars, 5.8% Gilan, 5.8% Mazandaran, 5.1% Razavi Khorasan, 4% Hamedan and 3.3% Central.

I emphasize once again that these results are based on the analysis of 275 questionnaires and have no scientific validity. I just wanted to give a general picture to hypothesize and make a request.

I have designed a more detailed questionnaire, the address of which is in the link below, and it is for everyone, both those who have gone on the trip and those who have not. I request you to fill this questionnaire yourself and introduce others to fill it as well.

Questionnaire link:

I hope thousands of people fill it out so I can provide a more reliable analysis of the data. I will publish the results of the analysis in this channel for the information of the public and policy makers.

Please help thousands of questionnaires to be filled and more valid results can be obtained. I hope that the results of this quick research will help to improve the policy and people’s performance in dealing with Corona.

Questionnaire link:

If you have a channel, you can publish this text and questionnaire on the channel, and if you don’t have a channel, please send it to others.

Iran concern channel: 

This post is written by monese_ghamgosar