The end of the nursing system election marathon and the need to end the differences

The end of the nursing system election marathon and the need to end the differences

Today, the election of the Supreme Council of the Nursing System Organization ended with the selection of the chosen ones, and we wish every 25 selected people success and pride.

But what everyone should pay attention to now is that all the participants in this competition are looking for the same goal despite some differences of opinion. In election contests, we may see extremism and sometimes immorality on the part of all parties, but when the goal is the same, it is necessary that after the elections, instead of being against each other, all parties should stand on the same side and be the driving force. .

Now, at the end of the marathon election of the nursing system, all the parties should vote and swear together and regardless of the faction and coalition, regardless of the issues and differences before the elections and regardless of personal interests, they should be helpful for the high goals of the health system and Realize the nursing community.

And especially the 25 dear ones who have made it to the Supreme Council should definitely benefit from the advice and experiences of the elders.
On the other hand, these loved ones are responsible for the votes they have received, and constructive criticism should not be considered hostility and work-breaking, but should be considered as an opportunity to fix defects.

Ashkan Khurshidvand
The head of the Darud nursing system

This post is written by ashkan_sunvand