Hello Mr. Pourmand, thank you very much

Hello Mr. Pourmand, thank you very much
A problem we have in connection with medicine, vaccine and additives is exactly according to your order and most manufacturers do not provide information about the effectiveness and effective dose of their products for ostriches because they do not test their products on ostriches and therefore they cannot provide data and information for them. This is a very difficult challenge to produce products for ostriches and we must test and determine the level of effectiveness and effective dose of raw materials for ostriches.
In the market, there are probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, acidifiers and various products that are recommended for the prevention of enterotoxemia, but in practice, when we reduce the habituation days at the age of less than 3 months, they do not have the necessary effectiveness for prevention, and currently the only antitoxemia premix There is a special product for ostriches that has successfully passed this challenge in the farm, and the farms that we are sure of its management quality use this product for 3 and 4 days to get used to it without any problems (of course, this is not a general recommendation). We are testing the possibility of reducing the habituation days more than this, and we will use the results after the work is finished.

This post is written by ShahabiR1367