#Episode 100
And with a sad tone, while looking at the sea, he continued: Freedom to do whatever you want, when we return to Tehran, you will see a series of changes in your life, you are not a slave who worked under my hand, you are a free girl who can do whatever you want, you wanted a free life Kenny and I will not stop you
He looked
– You choose your own path
He paused
– There is someone who needs to be taken care of because he also has an incurable pain, a pain that torments him a hundred times more than you
He looked at the sea for the last time and then he left and went to the car
And I stayed with a confused mind, so he understood that I want to take revenge on my family.
But only someone who feels the same way as me can read this in your eyes, someone who is looking for revenge.
Otherwise, I was sure that no one could understand this until now, not even Farhad, who was always by my side
I thought
(- There is someone who needs to be taken care of because he also has an incurable pain, a pain that torments him a hundred times more than you)
An incurable pain that could not be cured by revenge, so Arsham is looking for revenge!! But from whom?! For what?!
God, how much I would like to know what made this proud and stubborn man to this day?! What made Arsham think of revenge?!
He said we are back, I am free!! I can reach the goal I have always been looking for
But why am I not happy?! Why?!
I went to the side of the car, his hand was on the steering wheel and he was leaning on his head
And without looking, he started the car
On the way back, you didn’t say a word, you were walking around the street
My mind was busy with Arsham and his words
And Arsham that
Again the same damn feeling, again the same worries and repeat and repeat and repeat
So when will it end? When will I get peace? Will there ever be a day when I will get rid of all these lies and darkness?
But it will end. It depends on those two people, the ninth and tenth players, who were the main pieces of this game, and the ninth player will come to my side. I know how to welcome him.
I took the car and to my surprise, I saw the charmer next to Arsalan. I got out and went towards them. The guard looked at me scared.
– Sir, it is no fault of Marslan Khan that you are in the news
I growled under my breath: just shut up and go to work
– My eyes, sir.
I turned and looked at Dollaram, who was leaning on the car in surprise and was looking in this direction
Arslan – Look who is here
My gaze was drawn to the enchanting honeyed and attractive place with the same glow as always
He came to me and extended his hand to me with a small smile on his face
Hello Arsham, I was looking forward to meeting you
His voice had not changed either, with the same pride as always
I didn’t want Biaduli to stay now that he came on his own
I took his hand in my hand and squeezed it
– I thought you knew that I don’t like my guest to be illiterate
I let go of his hand, he kept his smile, I moved towards our building
– I am still the same Arsami
I entered the hall and sat on the chair. Temba looked at me with the same pride and beauty that she always had and sat with a smile. At the same time, Arslan also entered.