Know the dangerous sports for the brain/change the structure and activity of the brain with continuous impacts

Know the dangerous sports for the brain/change the structure and activity of the brain with continuous impacts

Neurosafari Sports that are associated with physical encounters can cause changes in the structure and function of the brain. The higher the risk of physical collisions in a sport, the more these changes are seen in the brain.
According to Neurosafari, citing the news section of St. Michel’s Hospital website, researchers at St. Michel’s Hospital conducted brain scans of three groups of athletes before the start of the sports competition season. The first group consisted of 23 people from sports where physical contact was routinely and intentionally part of the movements of the said sport, and the second group consisted of 22 people from sports in which contact or physical contact was allowed but part of the routine movements. They are not sports and finally the third category of 20 people from sports in which physical contact does not happen.
Researchers found that the brains of athletes who participate in physical contact sports have differences in structure, function, and chemical composition that are usually associated with brain injuries. The findings of these researchers were recently published in the journal Frontiers of Neurology.
The study’s senior author, Dr. Nathan Churchill, a postdoctoral fellow in the neuroscience research program at St. Michel Hospital, believes that concerns are growing about the possible negative impact of engaging in high-impact sports on the brain. Most of the studies conducted in this field have focused on the long-term effects in athletes of disciplines with physical collisions such as rugby and ice hockey, in these disciplines, in just one season of competition, players may be exposed to hundreds of physical collisions and their effects. to face But there is little knowledge about disciplines in which contact and physical contact are allowed but not done intentionally and purposefully.
Interesting findings of this review
The study examined men and women who participated in multiple sports, and found progressive differences between the brains of athletes who participated in physical contact sports and those who participated in other sports. . These differences include the structure of the white matter of the brain (the communication fibers between different parts of the brain). In the brains of athletes who were active in high-impact disciplines, signs of reduced communication between different parts of the brain, reduced activity, especially among areas related to vision and motor functions, were observed. These differences were obtained in comparison with people in non-collision sports such as volleyball.
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