Please read the rules of the group

group rules!!!!!
Please be sure to read

Divar Laboratory Super Group has started working for equipment, goods, materials, personnel (personnel, supervisor, founder, technical officer, etc.). Dear colleagues, please observe the following when placing your ad:

Working hours of the group: Saturdays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
If you have a problem in placing your ad, please send your ad to the following ID:
از درج #مطالب_متفرقه و خارج از موضوع گروه (اقتصادی، اجتماعی، اخلاقی، تسلیت، تبریک و .) پرهیز نمائید.
Until further notice, posting ads is free.
Insert your ad along with the #contact number and insert the channel and group link, site address and Avoid separately.
As much as possible, try to use short #descriptions for your ad.
Each member is allowed to post #one ad in the group daily.
Please share this message with your friends, colleagues, groups, channels, etc. Share yourself so that we can become the cause of the prosperity of the group and ultimately our business.
Failure to comply with the above will result in removal of the member from the group.

Group link

This post is written by laboratoryAdmin