The price of base metals last update
The price of aluminum
Current price: $2,618
Highest: $2,623.5
Lowest: $2,590
Daily change: $11
copper price
Current price: 10,703.5 dollars
Most: $10,703.5
Lowest: $10,376
Daily change: $106
The price of nickel
Current price: 21,051.5 dollars
Most: $21,374
Lowest: $20,719.5
Daily change: $490
The price of lead
Current price: $2,302
Most: $2,312
Lowest: $2,287
Daily change: $16
zinc price
Current price: $3,031.5
Most: $3,041
Lowest: $2,959.5
Daily change: $18
The price of tin
Current price: $33,366
Most: $33,729
Lowest: $33,366
Daily change: $0
This post is written by ircom_i