Soy as a standard must have at least 42% crude protein

Soy as a standard must have at least 42% crude protein
When this number is 36%, it means that there is a high probability of fraud in this soybean.
what fake
It can be answered by analyzing other micronutrients.

Have they added water to soy? Humidity measurement
Did you add soil, sand and sand to soybeans?
are Measurement of ash and ash insoluble in acid, then calcium and phosphorus
or soy compounds similar to bran and have added Fiber assay

In any case, if you are forced to use this soybean, by knowing other nutritious compounds and including them in the diet, prevent damage.

That is, if the soybean ash is high and the fraudster has taken pains to put rock powder in it instead of sand, you should know the amount of calcium in soybeans in order to reduce the rock powder in the diet.

Or if the fraudster has added fiber in soy, you should know its fiber so that if it is too high, combine it with another soy to avoid the side effects of high fiber on the digestive system.

Unfortunately, the real measurement of amino acids (HPLC) in soybean meal and poultry feed is not common due to its high costs.
at least for now)
Measuring with NIR has its own quirks and doesn’t give us real numbers (usually).

Engineer Omid Ghobadi

This post is written by Mersin0101