Ten key competencies required in 2020

Ten key competencies required in 2020

In its report, the World Economic Forum has published a list of ten key skills necessary for success in 2020:

1. The skill of solving complex problems in 2020 will remain in the first place as in 2015, and it is still considered the most important skill of a person in today’s complex world.

2. Critical thinking rises from rank 4 to rank 2. This means that the new world will need more critical analysis in relation to the existing situation.

3. Creativity rises from rank 10 to rank 3.
This item has the highest climbing rank in the table and of course this climb seems completely natural. With the increasing complexity in today’s world, the ability to solve problems will have an increasing need for creativity.

4. The skill of managing people, despite falling from rank 3 to rank 4, will still be among the top skills. This shows that this skill will be very important in the future world.

5. Social harmony and compatibility has been moved from 2nd to 5th rank. But it is still among the top five skills.

6. Emotional intelligence is a brand new skill in the top 10 skills! According to its concept, it is natural that it is among the 10 skills.
Emotional intelligence shows the way a person deals with problems and ups and downs in life and can make him establish a better relationship with the people around him and as a result have more power to compromise with emotional and emotional problems. These people are more responsible and have a positive perception and attitude about themselves.

7 and 8. Judgment and decision-making, despite the entry of creativity and emotional intelligence to the higher places of the table, will be ranked 7th and 8th with a slight shift. Because the skill of judging the surrounding issues and events and the skill of decision-making play a vital role in building a new world.

9. Negotiation skills will be ranked ninth.

10. Perceptual flexibility is also a new skill and it indicates that we should be more flexible in our perceptive approach.

An in-depth look at this list has three key messages for us:
Skills related to thinking contribute the most in this list (from solving complex problems to cognitive flexibility).

Issues are becoming more complex every day and solving them using critical thinking (by others based on social responsibility) and creativity is a necessity.


This post is written by omidbaran96