The importance and impact of technology as the main factor and engine of economic development has been talked about a lot, and talking more than this is an exaggeration. Therefore, we are going to examine the classification of technology, success factors in technology transfer (of course, very brief and useful) and see what these East Asians are doing and where we are in this story.
Classification of types of technology
Technology can be classified for different purposes. Of course, we must know that these classifications are relative, and it is impossible to establish a precise line and boundary between the classifications
Classification based on abilities:
This classification is the determination of the technology level, which consists of:
– Application and exploitation technology
– Repair and maintenance technology
– Assembly technology
– Copying and adaptation technology
– Design and manufacturing technology
– Ability to produce new technologies
– The power of basic research
From this point of view, to classify the countries in terms of technological power in relying on the ability to think and the human brain with the workforce:
Brain countries include advanced industrial countries such as Japan, America and Western Europe.
High technology countries include newly industrialized countries such as Brazil, South Korea, etc.
Skilled countries include countries such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc.
The user countries include very backward countries such as Central African countries.
Classification based on the origin of technology
Technologies are either produced and developed within the country to meet needs, or they are transferred from abroad for different political and economic reasons, or a combination of both.
Imported technology:
A technology whose origin is outside the national borders and usually at the levels of knowledge lower than assembly. The primary goal of transitioning from advanced to developing countries is generally to achieve a faster rate of economic growth and in the direction of national development goals.
Native and traditional technology:
In the countries of the third world, there are technologies from the past that are generally out of date quickly due to low productivity in competition with imported technologies.
Combined technologies:
A combination of imported and traditional technologies. It means that the imported technologies are absorbed and integrated with the national technological conditions, but it does not mean that the basic technology is used simultaneously with advanced imported technology, but it means the development of traditional technology and, in fact, the collection of the advantages of advanced imported technology as more advanced human knowledge and Traditional technology is the result of experiences gathered over generations for local conditions.
In developing countries, the main issue in technology development is management. Because basically, technology development is not a miracle, but it depends on the environmental conditions, resources and existing facilities of a company, and management can provide optimal use of resources for the company. At the company level, the emphasis on technology management is weak and most of the educational programs in the field of company management are limited to the traditional concepts of management education and forget the fields of technology management. In the case of technological management, the rules of engineering, science and management should be related to each other so that the operational and strategic goals of the organization are formed and implemented with the planning, development and implementation of technological capabilities.
It continues, friends.
This post is written by Rimaazz1