Happiness is the first pleasant feeling of life and perhaps the purest one, the endless and unconditional love of parents, which brings with it a beautiful sense of security and peace.


The first pleasant feeling in life and perhaps the purest is the endless and unconditional love of parents, which brings with it a beautiful sense of security and peace.
The peace resulting from this good feeling is combined with happiness, which is the happiness without reason and without excuse, the friend and companion of the ups and downs paths of our life, in order to be happy and live happily in the sweet childhood days, we need small excuses that we use. We have completely forgotten such as playing with a teammate who may even be our mother’s handmade doll, winning the Munch game, watching a children’s program while lying in front of the TV, eating an ice cream, sleeping in our mother’s arms and so on. . .
Children are unharmed and without fainting, and with their inherent simplicity, they always welcome happiness and welcome it with open arms.
Happiness is a dear friend whom we all look for and wish to be with, sometimes it goes away from our lives and we search for it in every nook and cranny, but suddenly, from the twists and turns of life, we expect it. We don’t have it and it will appear
Happiness has friends, the name of one of his close friends is simplicity, most of the time we have seen happiness with simplicity and beside him, whenever there is simplicity anywhere, if we look around, we can easily find happiness nearby. We will find them next to flowing water or the shade of a tree or in the sound of birds singing
If we behave simply in life, we will undoubtedly be closer to happiness, maybe in addition to simplicity, adding the seasoning of kindness, affection and self-sacrifice to others is enough to bring happiness to the highest degree. We will reach happiness, which is the inner and heart happiness, the one who has such a good feeling in his being, without exaggeration, has correctly understood and experienced the love of the same kind and has stepped on the path of love as beautifully as possible.
On the contrary, it is less possible to find a trace of happiness next to arrogance, pride and arrogance, you cannot reach happiness by turning your back on your fellow man and having hatred and enmity.
We cannot wish death for others and be happy ourselves
Happiness is a great investment, but unlike money, wealth and other assets, it increases and increases by dividing
In order to be filled with happiness, we must share it with others and look for it in others’ faces
It is in that case that we can look at each other’s smile and drunken laughter with pleasure and at the same time reach the peak of peace and create a beautiful and complete picture of life.

Koresh Naderi
June 8, 1403