Out of every ten women who visit the counseling center

Out of every ten women who visit the counseling center
9 people have internal sadness and hatred. And if you leave them alone, their eyes will be full of tears!

Seven out of ten women are angry and ready to be aggressive!

Out of ten women, five people have infection of the pelvic area/administrative tract!

Three out of ten women have ovarian, uterine or breast cysts!

There are sorrows that accumulate on top of each other! It creates wind in the body, which according to Chinese medicine can disturb the body’s energy cycle and have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive system!!!

They take all kinds of pills and chemical drugs and in the end, why don’t they get an answer?!

I am not talking to fathers, brothers, sons and wives, why are they fueling this issue with negligence!!! They are raised by me and my mother and you!!!!!

I am talking to the ladies themselves.

Why are they always waiting for someone to break their grudges and wipe their tears?!

Crying is fine, but don’t wait for anyone.
Because if there was someone, your work would not have reached here!!!

Learn how to improve yourself, spend time, do trial and error.
bless you Pay attention to the health of your body and soul.
Because woman means life.
If a woman is well, a life is well.
You have to teach your daughters happiness by your behavior.

cry if you hate
when you are empty; laugh
Laugh so that God will shower his mercy.
Hatred, jealousy, me and you, grudge, past, current, sister-in-law, bad neighbor, you don’t have it all is an excuse for you to forget yourself!
The health of your body and soul
Eat right, study, exercise, don’t wait for judgment, love and be kind
Your life will be sweet!
Plan happiness and kindness according to your financial capacity and your family! It doesn’t matter if you have a bracelet in your hand or not, when you don’t do your annual check-up examination, it doesn’t matter how many bedrooms you have in your house, when you have a bad tooth and gain weight!
It doesn’t matter how your daughter’s dowry and sesame are when you didn’t go on two carefree trips with your husband and children and didn’t make a lot of memories!
It doesn’t matter what degree your children have, when the spirit of jealousy and competition with other people still takes away your peace and you sleep late at night and you are nervous!
Be a woman and be feminine!
It will be too late! Very soon!

This post is written by Sara_b_h