The first method is the warrior teacher believes

First method:
The warrior teacher believes:

*/ Students should be controlled.

*/ You should rarely smile at students.

*/It is natural that elders should be respected, but children should earn this respect.

*/ If a student gets out of control, it is not possible to stop the other students.

*/Teaching is like a war in which the teacher must always win.

Warrior teacher management method:

1- Tell the students what to do.

2- Threaten them with punishment.

3- Send them to the school office.


* Poor human relations.

* High stress in class.

*Severe reduction in students’ learning ability, risk-taking and motivation. 


The second method:
Kind teacher believes:

* Students need care and attention like flower buds.

* If you are friendly and kind to them, they will love you too.

* Planning to encourage students to do good deeds and discriminating between them prevents misbehavior of students.

* The classroom is a democratic environment and discussion plays a key role in it.

Kind teacher management method:

Talking, begging and begging the student and as a result getting frustrated and angry.

Example: The teacher addresses the student:

“How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?” »
(This sentence is said with a pleading expression and a deep sigh indicating helplessness)

“I don’t know why you do this again?” »
(while the teacher is upset and upset)

“Out of the class Vaisa! You made me tired.”
(Emotions have overcome the teacher)


* Lack of assertiveness causes lack of self-confidence and anxiety.

* Everyone is the boss in the class.

* Students’ learning power, risk-taking and motivation decrease significantly.


The third method:
Careful and serious teacher


* The duty of the teacher is to determine the boundaries.

* It is the duty of the student to experience these limits.

* Behavioral mistakes of students are natural and normal.

* We must help students to experience success.

* Taking care of students means saying “no” to them when it is necessary and standing by our words.

 * A student’s good qualities are always more than the problems he creates.

 Careful and serious teacher management method:

1- It looks at the behavior chosen by the student as a choice among several behaviors.

2- He holds students responsible for their behavioral choices.

3- Uses praise and praise to emphasize the good works of students.

4- Leads students to success.

5- If necessary, he uses punishment so as not to cause hatred among students.

6- His goal is to teach behavioral skills to students so that they can make better choices.


* At the same time that students’ dignity is protected, they learn to know their own limits.

* The teacher in the class plays the role of leader and coach at the same time.

*** The power of learning, risk-taking and motivation of students increases significantly.


This post is written by emamrezayegharibb