Stay young Mahmoud Moazzami

stay young

– Mahmoud Moazzami

Many factors can affect our age. A few simple lifestyle changes can delay our aging years and make us look and feel younger:

1. Be closer to your spouse.
Research shows that having sex delays aging. By studying more than 3,500 people, researchers found that having regular sex with a partner slows down the aging process. Sex is involved in this for several reasons. One is that it makes you love your wife more and be closer to her. Another is its physical effects. During sexual intercourse, the body releases a hormone called DHEA, which is associated with weight loss and muscle strengthening. Studies show that the production of DHEA hormone slows down the aging process. Having regular sex is one of the ways to prevent and reduce aging. In women, sex causes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which can reduce mood swings. In men, by having sex, the production of testosterone hormone is stimulated and this slows down the changes related to aging.

2⃣ No smoking!
The chemicals in cigarettes cause brain cells to fall asleep. In the short term, smoking reduces the brain’s ability to absorb and analyze information. In the long term, smoking damages neurons and causes memory loss and poor concentration.

3. Sleep more.
Sleeping less than 8 hours a day causes fatigue. Lack of sleep increases the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. Lack of sleep causes an increase in green hormone, which increases appetite. Lack of sleep also suppresses the hormone leptin, which causes satiety. Studies show that people who sleep less than 8 hours are more likely to be obese and overweight.

4⃣ Fish oil is antiaging.
Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in fish oil are the best way to strengthen physical and mental strength. Because these oils prevent the aging process of cells. In fact, it is necessary to consume 3 grams of omega-3 oil during the day. Consumption of these oils also protects the body against stress. A study shows that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids also prevents DNA damage, and this means slowing down the aging process.
5. Check your thyroid.
If you feel tired all the time, be sure to consult your doctor. Your thyroid gland regulates your body’s metabolic (fuel-making) system. When it’s not working well, you gain weight and often feel tired and lose your libido.

This post is written by b_1300