Vasal Gostar chair unit
Including imported ergonomic stool
50,000 lux LED lamp under Faro license with linear light radiation technology and sensor to turn it on and off and determine the amount of radiation
It has 24-volt DC motors from Timosen Denmark with a moving power of 300 kg
It has an adjustable headrest for children, adults, and the disabled, designed by Siemens with a push button technique
All-steel chassis for the high strength of the Siemens design unit
It has a large surgical tool tablet
The body is completely injected ABS for long life of the body and unique beauty
It has two water storage tanks
It has technology to prevent the return of water in instruments to control infection and disease
All Korean high pressure hoses
It has a water heater system for filling cups and instruments
It has an electrical system with noise-absorbing American technology
It has a self-balancing lock to keep the unit board
It has 3 seat programs
Including the patient’s mouth wash program
It has seat back sensor technology in the collision of obstacles
Along with Pizon and TV and internal camera
Installment payment terms with discounts
3 to 7 percent
This post is written by Partoyasiri