Who invented GPS? (5) Dr. Gladys West: For Dr. West, the road to being recognized as one of the key figures in the invention of GPS has been very long.

Who invented GPS? (5) Dr. Gladys West: For Dr. West, the road to being recognized as one of the key figures in the invention of GPS has been very long. In 1956, Dr. West started at the US Naval Weapons Laboratory. it worked It was at the forefront of the post-Cold War space race and was the Navy’s space surveillance center until 2004, when the Air Force took over space control. A mathematician by training, Dr. West processed the numbers and data from the satellites to help determine their exact location. In December 2018, Dr. West was finally inducted into the Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers Hall of Fame—one of the Air Force Space Command’s highest honors. Initially, the Air Force recognized Dr. West’s contribution to the programming of an IBM 7030 “Street” computer to provide “calculations.” A highly accurate geodetic model of the Earth, a geoid, was recognized as optimized for what eventually became the Global Positioning System (GPS). “Today there are at least 31 operational GPS satellites in orbit, orbiting the Earth and influencing all aspects of life. We make an impact. Join us: @Madeh_33

This post is written by Bijan_amin