I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.

Seek refuge with Allah from Satan the Merciful.

   In the name of Allah the Merciful

Al-Ar ۚ Kitābٌ اُحْكـمِ عَيَّتُهُ إُمَّ فُُّلَّت مِنْ لَّدِنْ حكيمٍ خبيرٍ ‎1 Hud

A. Lam. Ra. (This Qur’an) is a noble book whose verses have been arranged and confirmed (by God) (and therefore there is no way of contradiction, disruption or abrogation) and also its verses have been explained and explained by God (the world), who is also wise. And he is also aware (and his work is carried out with wisdom and wisdom). (1)


May Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad


    Peace and blessings be upon dear Saharkhaizan

Tuesday morning, 15 June 1403
26 Dhul-Qa’da 1445
June 4, 2024


God, fear the punishment promised,
And do not fast for the promised reward. 
To enjoy what we want from you,
And the anger that I seek refuge in,
And declare me among the penitents in the presence of those who make Your love final for them.
And accept the echo of glory in obedience,
O Most Just.
By Allah, from the fathers and mothers and all the people of religion,
Whether they will pass away from this world, and whether they will join them until the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah, forgive all sins, especially those sins that prevent the answer to prayer


O Lord, if we have a little obedience, then please accept it

O Allah, I seek your forgiveness from my deeds and your mercy is greater than my sins.

God, of course, I hope for forgiveness more than for the action itself, and of course, mercy is wider than sin.

              Amen Amen Amen

Shari’a towns of Turkmen

Azan Subh “Dang Atar” 2:29
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:20
Zohar «awila»: 11:39
Asr «Ekindi»: 15:32
Maghrib «Aghsham»: 19:08
Marawah Tapah:
Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 2:37
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:25
Zohar «Aweela»: 11:49
Asr «Ekendi»: 16:52
Maghrib «Aghsham»: 19:06
Kalalah and Galakash: 
Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 2:38
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:26
Zohar «Aweela»: 11:50
Asr «Ekendi»: 16:53
Maghrib «Aghsham»: 19:07
Isha «yasi»: 20:55
Azadshahr, Dome: 
Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 2:39
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:27
Zohar «Aweela»: 11:51
Asr «Ekendi»: 16:54
Maghrib «Aghsham»: 19:08
Isha «yasi»: 20:56
Aq Qala, Gurgaon: 
Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 2:42
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:30
Zohar «Aweela»: 11:54
Asr «Ekendi»: 16:57
Maghrib« evening»: 19:11
Isha «yasi»: 20:59
Bandar Turkman, Gumishan, Seemin Shahr: 
Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 2:43
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:31
Zohar «Aweela»: 11:55
Asr «Ekendi»: 16:58
Maghrib «evening»: 19:12
Dinner: 21:00
Hours Sharia Tehran

Azan Subh «Dang Atar»: 3:02
Sunrise «Gohan Dughar»: 4:49
Zohar «Aweela»: 12:03
Asr “Ekindi” (Shafi’i): 15:52
Asr «Ekindi» (Hanafi): 17:06
Maghrib «Evening»: 19:26

Yazga Gachiran: