The price of base metals last update

The price of base metals last update

The price of aluminum
Current price: $2,669
Most: $2,689
Lowest: $2,642
Daily change: $4

copper price
Current price: $9,966
Most: $9,999.5
Minimum: $10,000
Daily change: $116

The price of nickel
Current price: 19,111.5 dollars
Most: $19,549.5
Lowest: $19,079.5
Daily change: $118.5

The price of lead
Current price: 2,261.5 dollars
Most: $2,301.5
Lowest: $2,255
Daily change: $6

zinc price
Current price: $2,932
Maximum: $2,986.5
Lowest: $2,910.5
Daily change: $50

The price of tin
 Current price: $32,350
Highest: $32,350
Lowest: $32,350
Daily change: $69

This post is written by ircom_i