Biology study method

Biology study method
Part 1

Read each chapter of the biology book according to the following steps:

1- First, read the titles of the chapters to understand what the general topic of the chapter is. Then read a round of the whole chapter from the textbook without pause or interruption or like a newspaper.

2- In the next step, divide the desired chapter into several small sections along with the headings of the textbook you have. Each small section can consist of one page or at most several pages of the textbook.

3- Then read each section more carefully this time from the textbook by underlining the text of the book and identify the important adverbs and words of that section with the method we will explain below.

4- In the next step, read the textbook of the relevant department from the educational aid book you have.

5- Now go to the educational tests of your textbook and only hit the educational tests related to the same part you have studied.

6- Write all the new points you have extracted from these tests in the margin of your textbook. If you don’t know the answers to the tests, don’t worry because you are still in the initial learning phase.

7- After the first part is finished in this way, go to the next part of the same chapter and in the same way as it was said, read the next part first from the textbook, then study the textbook of the textbook and the educational tests of the same Solve the section and finally write down the points of the educational tests of that section in the margin of your textbook. Perform these steps in order for each section.

8- After you have studied all the sections from the textbook and the textbook of the textbook and worked for each section of the educational test, the desired chapter ends. Now you have to read the contents of the same chapter once again along with the points you noted in the margins of the textbook and after at least 24 hours, do more comprehensive and conceptual tests of the entire chapter. These tests may be related to any part of the season or may be designed as a combination of different parts of the same season. When checking the answers of the tests, be sure to read the descriptive answer and the reason why the other options are wrong, because by reading the descriptive answer, the material will be reviewed for you again, and you may learn a new point that will complete your learning and better understand its content. The season will help.

9- In the last step, after doing all these things, you should write a summary of that chapter. We will explain about the summary of biology below. After summarizing the chapter, go to the next chapter and perform the study steps of the new chapter in the same way.

In short, the nine steps that you must follow to master each chapter of the 10th, 11th, and 12th biology books are, respectively: reading the entire chapter once, dividing the chapter into small sections, studying each section in detail Textbook, study the textbook of the textbook related to the same section, solve the educational tests related to the section in question, note the points of the tests in the margin of the textbook, perform these steps in order for the next sections of that chapter, finish the chapter, study once. The entire chapter and annotated points from the textbook, solving comprehensive tests from the entire chapter, summarizing the entire chapter. The mentioned method is the best way to read biology for entrance exam and actually the method of reading biology has been the top ranks.

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This post is written by alpachino_x