#Shami soap has arrived
Directly from the Syrian city of Aleppo
In Islamic medicine, shami soap is the best soap to use for washing the head and body.
This soap is good for both hair and skin.
It is a suitable alternative to chemical shampoos for washing the head.
Eliminates frizz and dandruff.
It cures many skin diseases.
This soap is completely herbal and natural and odorless.
Shami soap is the only cold soap in the world.
This soap is suitable not only for hives and pimples on the face and body. It is useful for all skin allergies.
Among other things, we prescribe it for skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.
This soap is made from olive oil and they say that they do not heat this soap.
And they don’t put it on fire and it is made from natural materials and they leave it for a long time to dry by itself. Interestingly, the longer it stays, the better its quality
This soap is very rare in the market. Because very few people know how to make it.
Herbal and organic gin products:
09306906594 for order
This post is written by RH676