Keeping currency in bank safe deposit boxes is an example of smuggling

Is keeping currency in bank safe deposit boxes an example of smuggling?

After the arrest of the thieves of National Bank safe deposit boxes, it was found that large amounts of currency were kept in the safes, while according to the law, keeping more than 10,000 euros and its currency equivalent, if it does not have a valid bill, is considered smuggling.

One of the important news in the past weeks was the theft from the safe deposit box of the University branch of National Bank. The news had many side effects, such as the way to pay damages, the lack of a suitable security system for banks, the lack of insurance for these funds, etc.

The robbery was almost ended by the arrest of the thieves by the police, but the remarkable thing about this stolen property was the large amount of currency kept in these rental safes by people.

These days, when the economic team of the government and the central bank use all their power to control the currency market and all the capacities are used to establish peace in the currency market so that stability returns to the currency market and frustrate the dealers with a large volume of currencies in the funds We have faced the rent of National Bank University branch.

Considering the volume of these currencies, it is necessary to read and remember the law, because some people use the chaotic currency market to make more profit and add to the market demand by buying and holding currency, and this issue is effective in increasing the price.

The legislator has found the necessary solutions for this issue in the Law on Combating Goods and Currency Smuggling. This law was amended after 9 years and its provisions are effective from May 10 this year.

Keeping more than 10 thousand euros is an example of currency smuggling

According to the law, carrying and keeping more than 10,000 euros and its currency equivalent, if it does not have a valid purchase invoice and does not have a permit to enter the country, is an example of currency smuggling.

Of course, according to the new guidelines for combating goods and currency smuggling, holders of currency above 10,000 euros and its equivalent have three months from May 10 this year to sell these currencies to authorized exchanges if they do not have a valid purchase document from authorized banks and exchanges. .

They can also provide it to banks and receive interest by opening a deposit account. Banks are also allowed to directly provide their foreign currency amounts to depositors whenever people want them.

Are holders of currency more than the allowed limit dealt with?

According to the new law, buyers and sellers of foreign currency outside the legal framework and even traders of tomorrow’s silver currency will be burned and should be careful that if they keep a dollar at home and did not register it, according to the above criteria, they may be seized as contraband and as currency smugglers. be known

The recent robbery of National Bank University branch safe deposit boxes and the discovery of the stolen property showed that many of the owners of these funds kept currency. The released video of the stolen property shows that the keeping of these currencies is more than the limit set in the law and instructions to combat the smuggling of goods and currency.

This post is written by shadmanamini