From prevention to treatment of genital warts

From prevention to treatment of genital warts

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted viral disease that affects both sexes. This disease causes skin lesions in the form of small bumps on the skin or mucous membrane of the genital area, which are painless or itchy. Warts can develop weeks to months after contact with an infected person. The causative agent is a virus called the human papilloma virus, which seems to play a role in causing some malignancies. This virus is similar to the common wart-causing virus, but it has more transmission power compared to it. Lesions are more common in wet areas.

Ways of transmission of genital warts:
It occurs through direct contact with genital warts, which contain the virus, and can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, contact with genital secretions and contaminated clothing, as well as through mother to baby at birth.

Symptoms of genital warts:
1- The lumpy skin protrusions are about 2 to several millimeters in size, which may be numerous or even clustered.
2- There is no pain, burning and itching and they are more contagious than normal warts in other parts of the body.
Although small warts without treatment will disappear by themselves after some time, but since this disease can be the cause of malignancy, treatment and follow-up should be sought. The possibility of disease recurrence is also high. Genital warts may lead to urinary obstruction in men or cervical cancer in women.
Prevention of genital warts:
1- Sexual intercourse should be avoided until the lesions are completely healed because the possibility of transmission is high.
2- Using condoms in other occasions reduces the possibility of infection.
3- Also, scratching and manipulation of wastes should be avoided because it causes the transfer of contamination or secondary bacterial infection may occur.
4- Maintaining hygiene and keeping the area of ​​waste clean and dry helps recovery.
5- Like other sexually transmitted diseases, the best way to prevent it is reasonable and safe sex.
6- The FDA approved a new vaccine that was developed by the American Food and Drug Administration in 2006 to prevent four types of wart viruses called Gardasil, which can be injected three times at an interval of 6 months for prevention.
5- (The appearance of the disease in children can indicate the possibility of sexual abuse of children, although there is also the possibility of transmission from the mother during birth.)
Treatment of genital warts:
The treatment method is determined by the doctor according to the location of the involvement and the size of the lesions. Depending on the doctor’s opinion, the treatment varies from the use of topical drugs such as podophyllin, to the use of cryotherapy and liquid nitrogen, to the use of laser or surgery.
Follow-up by Pap smear test for women should be seriously considered. In this field, even more investigations such as tissue sampling may be needed. Complete treatment of lesions is recommended.

This post is written by Sara_b_h