Specialists in laboratory sciences Hamadan

from HM]
Hamadan Laboratory Science Specialists

In the name of excellence
The fourth call for scholarships for medical students in the country was announced.

By studying the capacity table of accepted fields, we will see that the contribution of clinical biochemistry is one person, medical parasitology is one person, medical microbiology is zero, medical virology is zero, medical mycology is zero, medical immunology is four people, and hematology is five people, in total. is the country
The table shows the status of faculty recruitment in medical sciences universities all over the country and it clearly informs the PhD students of laboratory sciences that we do not have a place for you.
They are right, they have no place. How many academic staff does a basic science teaching group need? Finally, if the university is big and well-established, there are 6 or 7 people in each field, which are currently our dear professors working in those scientific units.

This is while 40 to 50 PhD students are accepted in the same field every year, for example, I will give the field of clinical biochemistry. Only in Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, more than 20 students are studying clinical biochemistry doctorate. I don’t have the statistics of the total number of students in this field in the whole country, but there are definitely a lot of them. With this number of PhD students, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences has declared a need for only one student among this huge number of students in the field of clinical biochemistry. The situation of other disciplines is more or less the same.
However, considering the educational curriculum that is defined for PhD students, why is the only way to get employment for these dear ones is to be recruited by the faculty?
Why is it that after obtaining the highest international university degree in a specific laboratory field, i.e. PhD, after passing 4 entrance exams and two interviews and a comprehensive test in that field, there is no job position in hospital laboratories in the same department?
The answer is clear, one is that, unfortunately, this situation was created by the policies and laws that the colleagues of pathologists designed and implemented over many years, and the second is that we failed ourselves and gave them this opportunity.

It is hoped that with the huge potential that has been created and the events of the last few months and with a double effort from the professors and students, the students who receive a PhD degree in a specific field of laboratory science will be able to reach their true position and in the selection Enter research or educational or therapeutic activity according to your desire and interest.

I wish you success


This post is written by labdivar