The difference between original and corporate hard drives

The difference between original and corporate hard drives

The main hard drives, as the name suggests, are new, original and new hard drives, and their warranty is provided by reputable and well-known companies.

Corporate hard drives are hard drives that are not actually new and there are several ways: there are hard drives that had a problem and their problem has been fixed or used hard drives that are repackaged and their warranty may be provided by different companies. be provided

In the CCTV system, it is better to use the original hard drive because company hard drives may have problems again after some time and we may not notice this happening and the image of the camera that we think is recording may not be recorded at that moment.

The hard drives whose capacity is below 1 TB are corporate ones such as 320 GB and 500 GB, and hard drives with low capacity have not been produced for years, and the hard drives that are currently available are used and not new. There may be corporate hard drives in 1 TB and 2 TB hard drives. Be sure to pay attention to the hologram and warranty on the hard drives, especially in the CCTV system, where it is necessary to use original and new hard drives for this system.


This post is written by Rezaghesh