Common test answer number 6

Test Answer #6 #Common

Correct Answer: Option 4, From Shar to Shahr, Seyed Mohsen Habibi, pp. 25, 33 and 35

Option 1 is incorrect because: The pattern of construction in the Middle Shar was the same in the Sassanid and Achaemenid periods (not in the Outer Shar). The middle stream is a complex of different neighborhoods, markets and squares reminiscent of the Persian-Hellenic city with houses with special architecture. This architecture has its striking examples in the Palace of Kasri, the Palace of Hatra, . . . It remains the dominant type of rural habitat to this day. Many of the temples carved in the mountains and tombs of the Achaemenid and Sassanid periods are also like this.

Option 3 is also incorrect, because: The square was a large area that was built in front of the gates of Sharestan and in Rabz. This square is not a place of economic demonstration like the Greek Agora, nor is it a symbol of government power like the Roman Forum. The square is a place where markets open and Herat’s socio-economic manifestations are mixed. This field does not yet cause a special space morphology.

Option 2 is correct: The outer basin is a complex of neighborhoods, houses, markets, gardens, farms, etc. . . It is around the middle stream. In this section you can find the fireplaces and the main market. The middle stream is the settlement of people who are not in the four upper social classes and have no role in the Sassanid state.
Other spaces of the Parthian city in the Sassanid state: The government fortress (which became known as Kahndej or Kahndej in the Islamic period): is located at the highest point of the city and at the military market. Middle stream: A complex set of special neighborhoods for the establishment of the upper classes of society. The fractional palace construction method is the dominant model for the construction of residential units in the middle stream. This section ends in four gates on the four sides of the world and contains part of the market. The Middle River also became known as Sharestan during the Islamic period.

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This post is written by Miladnovin69