Wrong study habits

Wrong habits in studying:

Don’t start with a tired mind:
During the study period, your energy and learning rate will gradually decrease. So don’t hit the road with an empty gas tank

Please do not cheat:
Don’t want to walk a hundred years overnight!
We see a lot of students who, after not studying for a long time, have decided to make a huge change in their future, and from the first day and after being away from school for a long time, they put so much pressure on themselves to study that after a few days, they are tired and They get sick and it makes them lose all their motivation and hope, so I recommend that you gradually increase your study hours.

Pay attention to the quality and duration of your rest as much as the quality of your study:

A good and short rest will largely guarantee the quality of your next study unit.

Be balanced and try to rest a quarter for every one hour of study or half an hour for every two hours of study. Commit yourself not to leave the study table outside of your study period.

Get enough sleep:
On average, 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day is enough, but know that the amount of sleep you have is unique like your fingerprint!

Don’t be multi-program like you don’t study from multiple sources:

At the beginning of the work, do research, get advice and whatever helps you, choose a program, person or institution that will help you to go through this path in the best way.

Do not trial and error:
The opportunity to study that you have will pass as fast as lightning! So please don’t look for this golden opportunity to experience everything and use the logical experiences of successful people as much as possible.

Don’t be a parrot:
Despite the emphasis on the use of people’s experiences, you can be rational and accept that you are not a parrot and if the 1st rank in the entrance exam of a certain year is hanging from the ceiling in physics and you scored 100% in physics, it does not mean that you too Hang from the ceiling!! Because you are you and he is her!!

Trust yourself but don’t be stubborn:
Do not underestimate yourself and trust yourself.

It is an undeniable principle that without anyone’s trust, even you cannot be your own savior and follow the right path. But think about the logical advice of those around you, especially consultants and experienced people in the field of entrance exam! Trust if it is reasonable.

Please be greedy:
Be greedy in choosing your goal, the amount of your study, the amount of your learning, the balance of your exams and in general in achieving your goals!

This post is written by mohamd_asadi