They say to Abadaniye, why don’t you fast??!
He says that the temperature here is 58 degrees
Hell is 60 degrees!
Should I fast for 2 degrees?
Someone calls in the month of Ramadan, the office of one of the scholars asks;
Haj, sir, I was fasting, I was walking in the kitchen, my foot slipped and a glass of water, two pieces of hair leaves, two zolbia and two dates went into my mouth and I swallowed it unintentionally.
What should I do now?
Haj Agha says: Drink some tea and it will stick to you
I specially congratulate those dear ones whose meals go from 3 to 5 on the month of Ramadan.
One day, two tired and thirsty Christians were lost in the desert. They suddenly saw a mosque in the distance.
David said to Steve: When we reached the mosque, I say my name is Amin, you say my name is Muhammad. Steve said: I will not change my name because of water.
They reached the mosque. Mullah said what is your name? One said my name is Steve and the other said my name is Amin. Mullah said: Bring water for Steve and Amin, because it is the month of Ramadan, he should wait until iftar!!!!
Happy Ramadan
Dear fasting people, pay attention:
One of the actions that the reward of fasting is eight hundred
It equals, not taking the food of other servants of God between dawn and iftar!!!
Happy Ramadan
Those who say that I remembered you at Iftar, they say.
You don’t even recognize your father at the time of breaking the fast
To drink 50 glasses of water at dawn and expect not to be thirsty during the day.
This water storage option is only for camels.
Don’t blow yourself up.
Thank you, public relations of water and sewage
Ahl Deli used to say: When you are fasting after Maghrib Azan
He spends time without eating the first Iftar prayer, the angels on his throne call him like this:
How sweet are you??!!
God’s party is like a party at the mother-in-law’s house
You don’t want to go, you don’t dare not go
Jafarr broke his fast after hearing the noon call to prayer
Telling him why did you break the fast?
He said: Good call to prayer
Telling him that it was noon
said; take a beating Chacha was similar to Maghrib call to prayer
I remember the month of Ramadan last year.
I woke up at dawn and turned on the TV
I sat down to eat until the call to prayer was called
It was around 6:30 when I got tired of eating, but he didn’t say the call to prayer, so I forgot
I am looking at PMC