Focusing on testing is the primary and important point: accuracy is not a genetic inheritance and is 100% acquired, and an inattentive person can greatly increase his accuracy level by modifying his lifestyle, a few considerations, and simple practice.

#Focus on testing

The first and most important point is that accuracy is not genetic and is 100% acquired, and a careless person can increase his level of accuracy by modifying his lifestyle, a few observations and simple exercises. So, never deprive yourself of this gift with the excuse that some person was careful from childhood and I was not. Just like a person who goes to the gym to make his muscles strong, try to do these exercises regularly so that your strength will also grow.
1. Read the question correctly and pronounce it correctly and remember the words completely
2. Some candidates have dyslexia, that is, they do not recognize the difference between 123 and 132 when reading, because instead of remembering the letters and sounds of the pronunciation of numbers, they remember its numerical form.
3. If you can’t increase your accuracy in any way, then your eyes are forced to be careful, for example, in the morning, underline the important words.
4. Be sure to read all the options, because sometimes you read the first option due to a learning defect, you think to yourself that this is the answer to the question, and because of your haste, you skip the rest of the questions, which means that you are very likely to be caught in the test. Pay attention, it is always said that after reading All the questions, whichever option you think is correct is the answer and don’t change it anymore, not by reading only one option!
5. Many times the reason for inaccuracy is the speed of the eyes to understand the content, and because the distance to understand and the content that is perceived by the eyes is increasing every moment, there are two major problems, but some words remain far from understanding in this distance and are lost in a way. This itself means loss of time and more waste.

This post is written by Calwin988