He never even taught us the way of the enemy!
Ehsan Mohammadi
The war has started. Not between Iran and America, but between brother and sister, father and son, friend and friend. They insult each other. aggressive They swear and Ash is so angry that in the morning I saw a young girl writing under a post: “This old man with a yellow mustache is also a military ration!”
It means #Mahmoud_Dolatabadi. One of the columns of fiction writers in Iran, who do not give permission to some of his books in this country, has been summoned and interrogated many times and has not seen half of the dignity and respect that a stand-up comedian gets in the official media.
Now why is this “old man with a yellow mustache” accused of eating rations? Because in a note he wrote, he deeply mourns the loss of “a character who raised a great barrier against the vampires of ISIS and kept the borders of our country safe from their presence” and added: “What can I do to a thorn that doesn’t sit in the heart? And I ask myself if this is the fate of all worthy children of this land and water, with every thought and every tendency? Destruction?”
Because the old man sees the concept of #homeland deeper than factional and party filth and bitterness. Because he knows from the experience of 79-year-old Omar that the world does not distinguish between #Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran and that this land must be defended against any racist aggressor.
Because he sees on the other side of the border, the democrats against #Trump have not condemned the official assassination, but here some people are smiling because of the wound we have suffered!
The war has started here since yesterday at twenty-one minutes past midnight, when an American soldier pressed a button in the middle of nowhere when he had his coffee by his hand, and missiles were fired at the car carrying General Qassem Soleimani. We are killing each other!
Instead of bullets, we shoot comments at each other, draw boundaries, take trenches, grab each other’s faces, and then block! . And the distance from each other and the accumulation of anger explodes in his mouth.
When we can’t bear each other in mourning, how can we bear each other on the day of victory when the share-seeking begins?
You still don’t believe it, but we are all the same in this land. Look and see how alone we are in this world. We have chosen a bad season to get away from each other. Don’t make the enemy of this land happy more than this!
A wall, a wall
That is a lifetime
It is always a dead end
This version has nothing.
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar