Advertise in silence

Advertise in silence!

Mrs. Oprah Winfrey, a black woman who is the most famous television host in the world and whose famous talk shows are seen all over the world, asks the famous American writer Elizabeth Gilbert about her spiritual experiences in one of her programs.
The lady writer, some of whose books have always been known as the best-selling books, tells Oprah during the conversation: Years ago, when I was in a difficult and difficult mental and emotional situation, I cut myself off from everyone and took refuge in a secluded area in Indonesia. Every day in While walking, I used to see a Muslim lady and without knowing each other, she greeted me and showed respect.
A few days later, when I was sick and alone on that island, and I was in a difficult situation, the same Muslim lady who was worried about my absence came to me and brought me drinking water and warm food and nursed me like a mother and a sister. I don’t know his name and I never saw him again, but since then, whenever I think about Islam and hear from Muslims, I think of his face and he has become the image of Islam for me!
In the whole story that this Christian American lady tells about that Muslim woman, not even a single word of dialogue is mentioned between them, but only the movement, behavior and humanitarian action of that Muslim woman that has made such a deep impact on this person!
I remember the narrations and hadiths that recommend the practical propagation of the brilliant teachings of the religion and refrain from stopping in speeches and speeches and emphasize on practical recommendations until the point where they clearly state, call people to us in silence!
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) used to say: Invite people to the truth of religion without your words!
Both the religion and the way of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt are the same, and the thought and approach of elders like Shahid Beheshti and Imam Musa Sadr was that the promotion of the truth should be done by action, not by words, and in fact, our behavior and actions should invite people to religion. .
The basis and axis of this approach is benevolence and love for people, that benevolent heart intentions affect hearts and kind practical behavior penetrates souls.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) used to say: Hearts are captured by doing good deeds and benevolence, and it has been said that human beings are slaves of charity/human beings are captured by love.
That unassuming, anonymous Muslim woman living on an island in Indonesia has done something with her behavior that an American lady is still captivated by her love and kindness after many years, without having an official position and position.
This is where I ask myself, have I acted more on this hadith of Imam Sadiq with a turban on my head, or that unknown Indonesian woman?
(note from Khorasan newspaper)
The writings and selections of Mohammad Reza Zairi
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This post is written by monese_ghamgosar