cover letter
You should put a letter of introduction on your resume, it is very important and necessary:
It describes you briefly and states your purpose for submitting your resume. This letter of introduction makes the first impression on the employer’s mind about you and makes you request an interview. The following tips will help you prepare a good introduction letter:
Name the recipient of the resume:
1. Write the name of the person, company and desired department in the company
2. Write your name and contact information in the initial title
3. Start with the following sentence: I am sending a resume for the job in your ad.
Write short and concise:
1. Write your resume very, very briefly so that it is not boring. The introduction letter should have a white perspective and no black words. Less is more
Tell your abilities:
1. Say what achievement you will bring to your new company, if you are hired.
2. Don’t say that you are learning in a new job, you should have been trained before!
3. Say how your experiences are useful for the new job.
Show energetic and happy:
1. Use words that show that you are very interested in the job in question.
2. Get complete information from the desired company. This shows that you are interested.
Stay tuned:
At the end, make a request to the recipient of the introduction letter, for example, say: I am waiting for your call for an interview.
How can I find out if my resume and cover letter are correct?
Many times I heard this sentence when facing my client’s resume in Canada: Can you check over my work
For you who write your resume and do not benefit from the help of an institution, it is very important to check your resume.
So the first thing is: become a detective!
First, fix the dictation and grammar mistakes. Then read the whole text again to make sure it makes sense. And finally, re-read the text and look at the style of your resume from afar, even the best writers make mistakes all the time, so try to figure it out.
Below are some mistakes:
Don’t trust computer word correctors.
Dew knot trussed yore spell checker
Do not trust your spell checker
All computer software have word correctors (such as word office), but they correct your small mistakes based on the word and not on the meaning of the sentence! For example:
“I am a contentious (instead of conscientious) employee”
“I serve notorious (instead of nutritious) meals to my clients”
Be friendly with your dictionary.
Always have a dictionary with you. The dictionary shows you how to use words and pronunciation and grammar. Always force yourself to learn a few new words every day and use them in sentences.
Do not work hard.
One of the biggest mistakes that everyone makes is to use heavy words in the resume to make it look better. It is always better for job search and resume writing consultants to give you this advice:
(KISS) Keep It Simple Silly Keep it simple
Don’t be afraid to use other people’s ideas.
The majority of people have not even seen a good resume or read anything about how to write one before writing their resume. Many resources for resume, cover letter, business plans with many examples on the internet, libraries and . there is Take advantage of them.
Use the help of others to check your resume.
Even if you are the best writer in the world, you still cannot check your own work. Give your resume to someone you trust with their language skills to check. It will find things you have never seen before.
This post is written by Mademoiselle_2020